Second Annual SoonerCorner Game Score Prediction Contest... Who will knock OldTimer from his throne?
Note: keeping a running total of weekly winners, year end winner will get some sort of nonsensical recognition- prob a trophy graphic next to your avatar or somesuch...
remember, one entry per week and no editing your guess (we can see what's been edited)
tiebreaker will go to the first score submitted (easy)
additional tie-breaker info: should there be a tie for the number of weeks won, the conference championship game (if involved) or the bowl game will be the tie-breaker for those members finishing with an equal number of weekly wins
thread gets locked real close to kick-off that week
good luck!
Psalm 34:14: "Depart from evil, do good, seek peace, and pursue it."
"what deliverer could break the power of Pharaoh?"